The Butterfly Project is a unique project in Uganda, which trains up young people from the most remote rural villages and disadvantaged urban slum districts to become social entrepreneurs. 


We believe it is important to work with children, who have a selfless attitude and ideas for their community and from our inception we developed new ideas to help develop rural villages and slums, by working through the children on our project as an evolving and reliable mechanism for change in the villages and the poorest areas.

The Butterfly Project is a network of committed youth, who are determined to be catalysts for change in their communities and whom are supported in their objectives by Chrysalis, through specialist training and support to start and develop their own social project or projects.  Each has devised one or more social projects, which create change and provide them with the experience to become social entrepreneurs.

Members are trained in six specific areas:

  1. Ethics

  2. ICT and social media

  3. Vision Development

  4. Problem-solving

  5. International Citizenship

  6. Project Management and accountability

Projects we have seen from the members so far have included a drugs awareness programme, Athletics, children’s rights through art, ICT training, food variety for children campaign, entrepreneurship projects – poultry, rabbits etc., a film about giving attention to slum children, dance, drama and music, a project to stimulate the creativity of slum children, an HIV awareness project, school sponsorship, the Slum Run, a 4-day training programme to promote selflessness, a football team and many more.

All members are recruited from the most disadvantaged backgrounds, because we believe that those who have survived hardship are the best people to tackle its causes.  Members are recruited both from slum districts and remote rural villages.  We have had equal success with both very distinct groups.